Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's daily tip- 1/27/14

For the daily tip we have:
                                        Cheating Pros and Cons

 Cheating can mean several different things in gaming. Sometimes it can be good, and other times it can be a problem. For now, I'm going to tell you the cons of it, and about cheating software. Cheating, in some ways, may get you in trouble. There are a few games, for example Minecraft that allow you to cheat. Software for cheating is a bad idea because sometimes it is a scam.  The creator maybe wants to hack your game account, and do some pretty dirty stuff. In other words, the software could have a virus or be malware. Malware is software that damages your computer.   Now for the better side of cheating. A few people think that cheating is when you go on a website and look for game codes and stuff. Now, that is not really cheating, but it is a type of cheating. I like to call it "Good cheating" because that stuff never gets you in trouble or anything. Cheating is downloading software to hack the computer game so you can get free game items. A lot of people in the gaming world cheat and try to hack and scam you, so watch out for those folks! 

Anti virus man is here! Be sure to have a anti-virus to fight off those pesky viruses. 


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