Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Daily Tip for 1/28/14

Today's daily tip is about:

                                                  Cyber bullies and staying strong when bullied by one

            Cyber bullies are bullies that are online, and are not just in virtual worlds but are on websites like facebook and you tube. Social networking is a place where this is common, but in virtual worlds they may have chat boards and that could lead to bullies. So, for example if someone says "You are ugly and I hate you" then you report them. But if they say a bad word, then you should email the person's username to the creators of the website AND report and block the bully. Another thing that you can do if the case isn't so bad is tell them something like "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it." or try saying "I am not really reacting to you, if that's what you want." But, the best thing is to just leave the chat room or log off of your social networking account and go do something else. If you log off and do something else, remember next time you log on stay away from the mean person.

Stay strong near bullies.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's daily tip- 1/27/14

For the daily tip we have:
                                        Cheating Pros and Cons

 Cheating can mean several different things in gaming. Sometimes it can be good, and other times it can be a problem. For now, I'm going to tell you the cons of it, and about cheating software. Cheating, in some ways, may get you in trouble. There are a few games, for example Minecraft that allow you to cheat. Software for cheating is a bad idea because sometimes it is a scam.  The creator maybe wants to hack your game account, and do some pretty dirty stuff. In other words, the software could have a virus or be malware. Malware is software that damages your computer.   Now for the better side of cheating. A few people think that cheating is when you go on a website and look for game codes and stuff. Now, that is not really cheating, but it is a type of cheating. I like to call it "Good cheating" because that stuff never gets you in trouble or anything. Cheating is downloading software to hack the computer game so you can get free game items. A lot of people in the gaming world cheat and try to hack and scam you, so watch out for those folks! 

Anti virus man is here! Be sure to have a anti-virus to fight off those pesky viruses. 


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly World- Animal Jam

Hello everyone! Every week, we have a weekly world. Everyday, I will post some tips for gaming. For this week's world, our first world, we have animaljam.com. Animal Jam is a virtual world where you are a animal character, (penguin, seal, wolf, bunny, panda and koala.) There is much more than those animals, and you can buy some more in the game. To buy anything, you need Gems. You can earn gems from games and some codes. They also have a second currency called Diamonds. Diamonds can be earned from a game card, or weekly for animal jam members. Below are some screenshots I took:

                                        This is decorating my house, or den.

Dressing up my character

This is the furniture shop. There are many more shops to explore!

  I know a lot of people who play Animal Jam, and I know people who don't. (like my friends.) So, tell me how you like the game if you already play or if you just joined. It is ok to be honest!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Starting fresh- a little about me and the blog.

   Hello people.. I'm pleased to meet you.  My internet name is Londonpie, and I play animaljam.com. I have another blog, my first blog called The Animal Jam Cruise Ship. Now, this new blog called Virtual Worlds for anyone is about... well you guessed it, virtual worlds. Before I made this blog, I always thought about how people would like to look at this blog as a reference for online games for some computer entertainment. For me, I love to game. I want to possibly pass fun of gaming to viewers. If they are new, then they are my target for the fun. Well, new and old gamers. I just hope everyone sees how fun gaming is. That's my main goal for Virtual Worlds for Anyone.  



Just hope everyone enjoys this blog!